Saturday, July 15, 2006

Week 1 - Year 1 - Creation

I am going to do a 3 year cycle through history.  And then repeat that cycle a couple of times.  And I'm going to go ahead and start that cycle with Kindergarten.  So, this is week number 1, and we started at the beginning, of course :)    The things that are italicized are because there are links at the bottom, that go into a more detailed description.  We'll see how this week goes.  Hopefully I didn't plan too much for each day. We will also use many more books than I have listed.  I just wanted a jumping off point for where to look in the library.   When we actually do this week, I'll post more details about how it goes and what we do, and actual books and other things we end up using.


Day 1 - God created the light, and day and night.  2 - God created the sky/atmosphere.

Retell with felt

100 easy lessons

Air takes space

Make a cloud

Coloring pages, mini-book



God created the waters, the land and the vegetation.

Retell with felt

Write words

Memorize days of creation

Workbook pages

Learn about primary and secondary colors paint coloring sheets from primary colors.

J 551.46 H   

J 551.46 RIC   



God created the sun, moon and stars.

Retell with felt

100 easy lessons


Make planets out of clay

Write words

Memorize days of creation

start learning about time

Coloring pages, mini-book

J 525 BIR

J 523.8 VOG



God created the birds and the fish.

Retell with felt

Saltwater and Sun

Write words

Memorize days of creation

Workbook pages

Paint coloring sheets from secondary colors.

J 598 K

J 591.92 K



God created the animals and man.

Retell with felt

Write words

100 easy lessons

Memorize days of creation

start learning about time

Coloring pages, mini-book

Week 1 Creation

Social Studies – Read Bible

Coloring pages


Days of creation crafts


Air takes space


Saltwater and Sun

Constellations – put glow in the dark sticker stars on black paper in shape of various  constellations.

Take modeling clay, and using proper dimensions, made each of the planets with a different color (sun=yellow, earth = green, Uranus = blue, etc.) and of the proper proportionate size.

Math - start learning about time

Language Arts -

learn to write alphabet properly - use a vocab word from each day  to ease the boredom  :)

For all Bible stories, have her retell them with the felt pieces

Art –

Go through art curriculum – 1 lesson a week

Do workbook pages out of the activity book

Memorize all 7 days

1 comment:

  1. ...I've gotta tell you about something. It's an illustration/story/lesson idea I learned at a homeschooling convention this past weekend. The guy suggests using a mirror and a flashlight in a dark room when telling about the creation of the moon and sun. Then, also comparing that with how *we* are to reflect the light of Jesus. (We=moon; Jesus=sun)


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