Saturday, July 29, 2006

cool decks of cards

I came across a neat find tonight at Dollar General.  While I was in the checkout line, I noticed this little display of decks of cards.  They were National Geographic cards, 2 different sets.  There was a Culture set and an Expedition set.  The Culture set has 52 pictures of famous places around the world.  The Expedition set has images from various expeditions throughout the last 100 years or so, and has little factoids on each card as well.   And, these still have all the numbers and suits printed on them, so they can be used as playing cards.  I think they would be neat to use as trivia cards in different games, with older kids.  And they were only 2 bucks each.

So, I was going to try and look up and see if these are in any stores..........and the only place I can find them is on a few british websites, and ebay.  Here is a link to the manufacturer, so you can see what I'm talking about.  I don't know if you can order from him or not.   Cartamundi    If not, check out your Dollar General.  How this British deck of cards made it to DG in Michigan, I have no idea. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we love Dollar DD is always digging for little treasures. Now, I need to go find these cards :) Thanks for posting this!


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