Cable Choice Bill Introduced in U.S. House - Real Choice for Parents
Last week, Representative Dan Lipinski (R-IL) introduced The Family Choice Act of 2006 (H.R.5919), giving parents real control over television by choosing and paying only for the cable channels they want. and strongly supports this bill and needs you to take action to help get it passed!
this bill, cable companies will be no longer be allowed to force you to
pay for indecent channels as part of your cable package.
If you are "Fed Up With FX Network" or any other filthy channel, your cable provider will have to block them from your home and deduct the cost from your cable bill.
entertainment industry already has their Washington lobbyists lined up
in rows, opposing this bill and beating down the doors trying to
convince legislators to let it die a slow death. I'm sure this doesn't
surprise you.
That's why we need to make every effort to let our Representatives know that voters want real cable choice with no excuses.
Action Needed!
Take a moment to personally call your representative's office and tell him/her to co-sponsor H.R. 5919, The Family Choice Act of 2006 today!
really make a difference, would you also call his district office with
the same message? We need thousands of phone calls flooding their
offices to make sure they understand that protecting our children is
more important than satisfying the whims of greedy cable company
Click Here to find the phone number of your representative's offices. While at their website, consider sending them an email.
Here's a recommended message:Dear Representative ________,
support H.R. 5919, The Family Choice Act of 2006, and strongly
encourage you to do likewise by becoming a co-sponsor of this bill.
For too long, the cable industry has forced consumers to pay for raunchy channels we dont want or watch.
parents REAL CHOICE by co-sponsoring H.R. 5919. By doing so, you will
prove to me that families are more important than special interests.
I look forward to your positive reply to my request to co-sponsor H.R. 5919.
I haven't heard about this legislation before. I think it's a great idea! Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed your comment about tv watching.