Thursday, September 15, 2005

Creation bracelet

I saw this posted somewhere else and thought it was a cool thing to do. 

the following beads: colored beads, animal beads, flower beads, star
beads, and fish beads.  Use a pipe cleaner for the bracelet, and
string the beads.  A yellow bead for day 1, a blue bead for day 2,
a flower bead for day 3, a star bead for day 4, a fish bead for day 5,
an animal bead for day 6, and a purple bead for day 7, representing
God's royalty resting.


  1. I like the idea of the creation bracelet. I'm going to use it for my class of 5 and 6's at church when we study the creation.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog and remembering those preschool days. They are so precious. Mine are now 11, 16, and 19. The time goes fast!! Enjoy these days with your little ones--they are such fun and so eager to learn :-).


    Elaine <><

  2. We're going to use this idea! Glad I found your blog!

    Congratulations on your new baby!


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