Monday, September 19, 2005

Africa WebCam

National Geographic Botswana live webcam

They are 6 hours ahead of us, so it is almost dark there now, but
during the mornings here, this is really really really cool to
watch.  It is a motion sensored live camera and it is
awesome.  We got to see a baby elephant and her mother drinking
this morning.


  1. that's so cute! There are so many possibilities in home schooling. Educational opportunities abound! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I loved looking at the pictures of your cute little children. :-) It looks like you have alot of fun learning together!

    Blessings, Kathy in California

  3. Wow. I'll have to check out the link and show it to the girls.

  4. This webcam has been all the rage on the Well-trained mind general discussion board which I read sometimes. I haven't checked it out yet...


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