Wednesday, August 24, 2005

File Folder Games ideas/links

File Folder Games

Materials needed:
Letter Size File Folders
Clear Contact Paper or a lamination machine

All file folders will need a cover picture and file name glued to the
front of the file with instructions on how to play, and write the name
of the game on the tab.  Attach a ziplock bag to the back of the
folder to hold the pieces.  These games are good for quiet times,
work alone times, and car rides!   To make a file folder
game, laminate the base pieces and glue to the insides of the file
folder.  Or, glue to the insides before laminating, and then
laminate the entire folder.  After laminating, add small pieces of
velcro to the base pieces.   Then cut out and laminate the
playing pieces, adding velcro to the backs of those.   Now
the playing pieces can attach to the base piece.


How to play:

Match the rhyming pictures.

To make:

out rabbits and glue a smaller picture of household items on top of the
rabbit picture.  Glue half the rabbits to the file folder, and
leave their pairs loose.  To make this more advanced for a reading
child, you could write the words on each rabbit, instead of a picture.

Answer key:

Net-Wet; Snail-Mail; Chain-Rain; Nose-Rose; Rake-Cake; Moon-Spoon;
Bag-Flag; Tree-Bee; Rock-Sock; Can-Pan; Log-Dog; Ring-King; Tie-Eye;
Duck-Truck; Bat-Hat.


How to Play:

Match shapes to make a picture.

To Make:

a picture from a coloring book that includes lots of triangles,
circles, rectangles and squares. You could draw your own picture also
using a sun, water, round fish and boat made up of a combination of
several triangles, rectangles and squares. Make two copies of the same
picture, large enough to fit one picture on each side of the inside
folder. On the left side of the folder show the completed colored
picture. On the right side of the folder do not color in the shapes but
leave the lines in black and white. Laminate the folder. Cut out
colored cardstock of the shapes your child will need to complete the
right hand side of the folder.

Animal Habitats

Cut out images of a desert, ocean, jungle and other habitats. 
Glue them onto the insides of the folder.   Cut out images of
animals, and the child has to match the animal to the correct habitat.

Body Parts
out 2 copies of a human body/paper doll.  Color and
laminate.  Glue one body down, and cut the other one into pieces -
hands, feet, face, etc.  For older kids you can label the parts of
the body.   To make it more educational as the kids get
older, you can go to a specific system, like the digestive, or the
brain, or do something like the face.

idea is to print out a copy of a paper doll, and then print out clothes
for him, and the kids can change their clothes/face/shoes.

Some examples of FFG I'm going to make (a lot of ideas came from the following links) are:

Car Matching numbers - matching 1-20
Umbrella alphabet - matching upper and lowercase letters
Umbrella shapes - matching single and double shapes
Number Shape - matching numbers and shapes, 1-30
Body Parts and clothes
Animal Habitats
Alphabet matching - matching a letter of the alphabet to an image that it starts with - ex. A would match up to an apple.

Free Printables - Some File Folder Games
File Folder Yahoo Group
Phonics Games File Folder Games
6 File Folder Games
Enchanted Learning File Folder Games
Game Boards and Ideas

1 comment:

  1. What a neat idea. I might try that with E. Great idea! Thanks.

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