Sunday, October 2, 2005

Learning Objectives

is a list of learning objectives that I think Alysa should know by the
end of the year.  Most of these are taken off the Michigan Dept.
of Ed. website.  Most of them are actually kindergarten goals, but
I picked all the ones that I thought she should/could know.  This
is more to give me an idea of what to work on casually with her, and
not really have it be an intense learning experience.

  • Recognize colors.
  • Recognize and name capital and lower case letters and sounds.
  • Comprehend beginning sound-symbol relationships.
  • Identify opposites.
  • Match letters, words and designs.
  • Recognize rhyming words.
  • Develop listening and speaking skills.
  • Follow directions.
  • Sequence events.
  • Develop ability to print letters and copy words.
  • Recognize that literature comes in many forms.
  • Recognize that writing goes from left to right.
  • Acquire emergent (beginning) reading skills.
  • Recognize a few  basic sight words.
  • Follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.
  • Identify a variety of narrative genre including
    —nursery rhymes
  •  Discuss simple story elements in narrative text
  • Form upper and lower case letters.
  • Identify basic shapes.
  • Complete patterns.
  • Identify and reproduce sets 1-10.
  • Classify by shape, color, and size.
  • Print numbers 0-20.
  • Understand the concept of addition and subtraction.
  • Develop problem solving skills.
  • Develop concepts and comparisons of measurement.
  • Read and write numerals to 30 and connect them to the quantities they represent.
  • Count orally to 100 by ones. Count to 30 by 2s, 5s and10s using grouped
    objects as needed.
  • Create, describe, and extend simple number patterns.
  • Know and use the common words for the parts of the day (morning, afternoon,
    evening, night) and relative time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next year).
  •  Identify tools that measure time (clocks measure hours and minutes; calendars
    measure days, weeks, and months).
  • Compare two or more objects by length, weight and capacity, e.g., which is
    shorter, longer, taller?
  • Compare length and weight of objects by comparing to reference objects, and
    use terms such as shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier.
  • Identify, sort and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not
    belong in a particular group.
  • Create, describe, and extend simple geometric patterns.
  • Know and understand money values

  • Identify characteristics associated with the four seasons.
  • Understand the importance and functions of the five senses.
  • Observe and discuss concept of change.
  • Describe seasonal changes in weather.

1 comment:

  1. and all these things can be learned in a fun, playful way. I can see from your web log that your lives are full of fun, active learning. I love the picture you use as an avatar. It looks so joyful!


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